(Dates Included)

Greetings, and welcome. On this page you will find a detailed explanation of the Astrological concept of Pluto Retrograde. Use this page to plan your activities to achieve the greatest possible success, with the help of the ancient art of Astrology!

Remember to order your personal Astrology Chart here, or sign up for Astrology Classes here. There are several different charts to choose from: Personal, Lovers' Charts, Pets, and Special Events. You can also order complete reports. Charts include Transits and Progressions.

See the Pluto Retrograde Chart for 2006, below.

Dates of Pluto Retrograde in 2006

Retrograde Begins
Date & Time
Position at Start
of Retrograde
Retrograde Ends
Date & Time
Position at End
of Retrograde
Mar 29, 2006
7:40 am EST
4:40 am PST
26:45 Sagittarius Sep 4, 2006
7:21 pm EST
4:21 pm PST
24:04 Sign
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Pluto Retrograde
Through the Signs
What to Expect
Pluto Retrograde in Aries

To Be Added.

Pluto Retrograde in Taurus


Pluto Retrograde in Gemini
Pluto Retrograde in Cancer
Pluto Retrograde in Leo
Pluto Retrograde in Virgo
Pluto Retrograde in Libra
Pluto Retrograde in Scorpio
Pluto Retrograde in Sagittarius
Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn
Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius
Pluto Retrograde in Pisces
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Planetary Retrogrades Explained

A planet is described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. This traditional concept arises in the illusory planetary motion created by the orbital rotation of the earth, with relation to other planets in our solar system. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion.

Retrograde periods, although often problematic for us earthlings, are not particularly uncommon. Each planet retrogrades, except the Sun and Moon. Retogrades give us the opportunity to review decisions, directions and ideas.

*** relates to ***, ***, *** and ***. When *** retrogrades, we find that many parts of our life are being revised. Often these revisions can be a surprise or throw us back a step. However, these revisions which occur during a
*** retrograde, are a "course correction: and provide a stop gap measure until we can review situations. During this time of revision change is compounded and confusion is created by our reactions to the ever-changing situations. Thus anything started during this time will ultimately be taken back or even revised further, making a high-frustration time.

The best mode to be in during a
*** retrograde is one of "non-reaction". Treat the time period as a time of gathering information, yet because the information will be in constant change it would be like trying to comb your hair in a wind storm. Best to wait until the changes stop before attempting to make things orderly.

Therefore, just let the winds of situations blow around you without reacting. Once Mercury turns direct, take a look at the information that is still around at that time and go about putting everything in order, while maintaining the fine art of flexibility.

*** retrograde times call for you to recheck everything, anticipate and plan ahead, and to relearn lessons unlearned since the last *** retrograde cycle. It is a good time for review and completing ongoing projects. It is NOT a time to start something new. Mercury energies involve the mind, mental processes, communication, travel, speaking, and writing. The Retrograde symbol is "Rx", the same symbol on all medical prescriptions! Physicians until the 15th century had to also be astrologers before they could practice medicine. Plan ahead for these times. So you can do preventive maintenance and schedule, here are the common things that occur, the things Mercury retrograde times are notorious for the following phenomena:

*Communications go awry - phone calls, letters, emails, faxes, conversations are delayed, misinterpreted, blocked. Recheck everything like appointment times, spelling, wording, the words you say.

*Anticipate detours - memory lapses, confusion, failing to listen, failing to confirm, negotiation failures, changing of plans.

*Avoid signing documents, contracts if possible. You can wait 3 weeks, hopefully.

*Expect travel delays, car trouble, delayed plane schedules, reservations that suddenly becoming "missing", transportation difficulties of all kinds.

*Expect problems with

*BACK up your computer files! This is the time the screen goes blank and there is nothing there!

*Expect the phone lines, cable lines, power lines to have problems.

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